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2 February 2021 - Post-Brexit common frameworks - Oral evidence

Committee Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee
Inquiry Post-Brexit common frameworks

Tuesday 2 February 2021

Start times: 10:30am (private) 10:30am (public)

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Experts give evidence on agricultural and environmental policy in Northern Ireland

In its sixth evidence session, the Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee discusses the common frameworks process in Northern Ireland with three agricultural and environmental policy experts on Tuesday 2 February. The session will also examine broader questions on the Northern Ireland Protocol, the UK Internal Market Bill and stakeholder engagement with the common frameworks process.

Meeting details

At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Post-Brexit common frameworks
Lecturer in European Politics at Queen's University Belfast
Development Manager at Northern Ireland Environment Link
President at Ulster Farmers' Union

Possible questions include:

  • How important is the need for regulatory cooperation between Northern Ireland and Great Britain? What role could common frameworks play? 
  • What role should common frameworks play in responding to changes in EU law covered by the Northern Ireland Protocol? 
  • Is the delay in publishing the agriculture and environment frameworks a cause for concern?
  • What impact could the delays to the Environment Bill have on the agriculture and environment frameworks? 
  • Could the UK Internal Market Act could lead to administrations undercutting each other’s agricultural and environmental standards?

Further information


Virtual meeting (webcast)