City Minister questioned on financial services after Brexit
The EU Services Sub-Committee hears evidence from John Glen MP, Economic Secretary and City Minister, and Katharine Braddick, Director General of Financial Services at HM Treasury, as part of its follow up inquiry on financial services after Brexit.
Meeting details
At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Financial services after Brexit
Economic Secretary at HM Treasury
Director General, Financial Services at HM Treasury
Possible questions include:
- What progress has been made in the negotiations with the EU on financial services in recent months?
- Will the UK’s decision to unilaterally publish its positive equivalence assessments in a number of key areas prompt the EU to publish its equivalence determinations?
- The European Commission granted an extension of equivalence for UK central counterparties and may grant one for central securities depositories. What are the most important areas for positive EU equivalence decisions?
Further information