Are local authorities equipped to safeguard nature in the endeavour to build 1.5 million homes?
Whether there are enough ecologists in local authorities, and if they are properly resourced, will be the focus of the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC)’s next evidence session examining the Government’s housebuilding targets.
Meeting details
Members will be exploring ecologists’ roles in, and views on, ensuring compliance in areas such as Local Nature Recovery Strategies, Biodiversity Net Gain and Nutrient Neutrality. The Committee will then explore with the second panel the role of planners and building surveyors in making sure nature is protected and new developments do not negatively impact on the UK’s Net Zero commitments.
The evidence session follows the Government’s announcement in December that a new Nature Restoration Fund would see developers make financial contributions with a delivery body taking responsibility for positive environmental outcomes. Previously, developers sought to secure mitigation for environmental harm prior to being granted planning permission.