Meeting details
At 2:00pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Chairman of the LGA Community Wellbeing Board at Local Government Association (LGA)
Vice President at Faculty of Public Health
Tobacco and Vapes Lead at Association of Directors of Public Health
At 2:40pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
President at Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
RCP’s special adviser on tobacco at Royal College of Physicians
At 3:10pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Chair at National Trading Standards
Director at National Trading Standards
At 3:30pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Policy Adviser - Retail Products at British Retail Consortium
At 3:50pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Chair at Secondary Headteacher Reference Group
At 4:10pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Chief Healthcare Quality and Access Officer at Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
At 4:30pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Bruce and John Usher Professor of Public Health, Co-Head of Centre for Population Health Sciences at University of Edinbugh
At 4:50pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Public Health and Prevention at Department for Health and Social Care