Meeting details
At 2:00pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
RCP’s special adviser on tobacco at Royal College of Physicians
President at Royal College of Surgeons
At 2:40pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Chief Executive at Mental Health Foundation
At 3:00pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Chief Healthcare Quality and Access Officer at Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
At 3:25pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Director at Inter Scientific Ltd.
At 3:45pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Senior Lecturer at University of Bath
Professor of Public Health at University of Bath
Associate Professor at University of Stirling
At 4:25pm: Oral evidence
Further to consider the Bill (Legislative scrutiny)
Professor Emeritus of Health Psychology at University College London
Professor of Tobacco Addiction at Kings College London