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23 April 2024 - Skills for the future: apprenticeships and training - Oral evidence

Committee Industry and Regulators Committee
Inquiry Skills for the future: apprenticeships and training

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Start times: 10:30am (private) 10:30am (public)

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Committee to begin inquiry on skills and training policy

The Industry and Regulators Committee will begin a new inquiry into whether the skills and training system is capable of providing the skills needed for the future of the UK economy. As part of the inquiry, the Committee will examine whether the UK’s current systems and policies for apprenticeships and in-work training are working and, if not, how they should be reformed. In doing so, the inquiry will consider the responsibilities of government, employers, training providers, and individuals, and the incentives facing these groups.  

In this first session, the Committee will hear from former ministers and advisers and will seek to understand the challenges they faced in improving the skills of the UK’s workforce. The Committee will consider the operation of the Apprenticeship Levy and how it could be reformed, the incentives that employers face in making decisions about training their employees, and whether current government policies are sufficiently clear and have been consistent over time.


Meeting details

At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Skills for the future: apprenticeships and training
Former Minister of State for Skills, Apprenticeships and Higher Education at Department for Education
Former Education Secretary at Department for Education
Co-director of the Community Wellbeing programme at Centre for Economic Performance

Possible questions include:

  • What kinds of skills do you think will be needed for the future of the UK economy? Is the UK’s skills and training system capable of equipping increasing numbers of people with these skills?
  • What is the appropriate level of government intervention in the development of skills policies? How can government best add value in this area?
  • What should the role of employers be in encouraging the development of skills in the UK? Should industry be a consumer, funder, trainer or co-designer of skills provision?
  • How does the UK’s approach to skills and training compare to those of other countries? Are there examples of good practice that the UK should be learning from?



Room 4A, Palace of Westminster

How to attend