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7 February 2024 - The rights of older people - Oral evidence

Committee Women and Equalities Committee
Inquiry The rights of older people

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 2:20pm (public)

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Women and Equalities Committee takes evidence on age discrimination law and digital exclusion of older people

The Committee takes evidence from an academic lawyer, a leading barrister and the EHRC on age discrimination law, and then from policy experts on the issue of digital exclusion as part of its inquiry into the rights of older people.

Meeting details

At 2:20pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry The rights of older people
Associate Professor at Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne
Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Equality and Human Rights Commission
Barrister at Cloisters Chambers
Deputy Chair, Community and Wellbeing Board at Local Government Association
Senior Lecturer at Loughborough University
Managing Director at Citizens Online
At 3:10pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry The rights of older people
Managing Director at Citizens Online
Senior Lecturer at Loughborough University
Deputy Chair, Community and Wellbeing Board at Local Government Association

WEC launched the inquiry in September 2023 examining whether discrimination and ageist stereotyping, such as characterising older people as helpless or wealthy “boomers” is preventing them from participating fully in society.

This second session of the cross-party committee’s inquiry is divided into two panels, with the first considering the UK’s model of legal protection for older people against discrimination. It will examine how age is treated as a protected characteristic in equality law; the roles of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and the Government, plus the case for an Older People’s Commissioner for England.

Panel two considers the nature and extent of digital exclusion of older people, including issues around digital affordability, access and skills; the role of adaptive technologies and inclusive design; plus the Government’s rural broadband programme and wider digital inclusion strategy.


Room 6, Palace of Westminster

How to attend