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10 January 2024 - Heating our homes - Oral evidence

Committee Energy Security and Net Zero Committee
Inquiry Heating our homes

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Start times: 1:30pm (private) 2:00pm (public)

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Heating our homes inquiry: ESNZ Committee holds oral evidence session on role of local government in decarbonisation of heating

The third oral evidence session in the Energy Security and Net Zero Committee’s heating our homes inquiry will examine the role of local government in the transition to more energy efficient homes along with the challenges faced by specific regions and types of housing.

Meeting details

At 2:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Heating our homes
Senior Energy Policy Advisor at Energy Systems Catapult
Member of the Local Infrastructure and Net Zero Board at Local Government Association
Metro Mayor at West of England Combined Authority
At 3:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Heating our homes
Co-President at UK100
Director of Policy and Evidence at Historic England
President at Country Land and Business Association

The first panel, featuring West of England Metro Mayor Dan Norris and representatives from the LGA and Energy Systems Catapult, will explore the importance of local leadership, engaging with local communities and initiating community energy schemes.

The second panel of rural and historic home and local government experts will discuss the barriers to home retrofitting being faced by communities across the country and the importance of skills and developing the workforce.

The Committee has previously taken evidence from senior ESNZ Department officials and the energy and insulation industries and held a session on technology and innovation


Room 8, Palace of Westminster

How to attend