Work and Pensions Committee evidence session on i) Defined benefit pension schemes and ii) DWP’s Annual Report and Accounts 2022–23
In the first session after the Christmas recess, the Work and Pensions Committee will question Ministers on defined benefit pension schemes before hearing from the Permanent Secretary at DWP on the Department’s Annual Report and Accounts 2022–23.
Meeting details
The first half of the meeting will give MPs the chance to question Pensions Minister Paul Maynard MP and Economic Secretary to the Treasury Bim Afolami MP about issues raised in the Committee’s defined benefit (DB) pension scheme inquiry, which has been examining whether the right regulatory regime is in place for DB schemes as well as issues around scheme consolidation and the role of TPR.
The Committee will then question DWP Permanent Secretary Peter Schofield and other senior officials about the Department’s expenditure and performance in the previous financial year and its current and future priorities. Subjects might include fraud and error in the benefits system and migration to Universal Credit.