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31 January 2024 - Impact of the rising cost of living on women - Oral evidence

Committee Women and Equalities Committee
Inquiry Impact of the rising cost of living on women

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 2:20pm (public)

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Women and Equalities Committee questions charities and organisations on economic abuse faced by women amid the rising cost of living

The Committee takes evidence from charities and organisations on women facing economic abuse amid the increased cost of living.

WEC launched an inquiry in September 2023 to examine the impact of the rising cost of living on women, as households continue to come under pressure. This second session of the Committee’s inquiry is divided into two panels. The first panel includes Dr Nicola Sharp-Jeffs OBE, Chief Executive, Surviving Economic Abuse, Farah Nazeer, Chief Executive, Women's Aid and Kate Osiadacz, Head of Responsible Business, TSB Bank Plc.


Meeting details

At 2:20pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Impact of the rising cost of living on women
Chief Executive at Surviving Economic Abuse
Head of Responsible Business at TSB Bank Plc
Chief Executive at Women's Aid
At 3:10pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Impact of the rising cost of living on women
Chief Executive at Business in the Community
Senior Advisor at Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
Women's Policy Officer at Trades Union Congress

MPs on the cross-party committee hears evidence on the impact of cost-of-living pressures on survivors of domestic abuse, which includes economic abuse and coerced debt. It will also examine the pressure on specialist domestic abuse support services and the delivery of the Government’s emergency flee fund.

The second panel includes Nikki Pound, Women’s Policy Officer, Trades Union Congress, Mary Macleod, Chief Executive, Business in the Community and Charles Cotton, Senior Adviser, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). It will focus on the impact of cost-of-living increases on women in the labour market, particularly those in low paid jobs, plus the measures employers are taking to support their employees, including flexible working arrangements.

The inquiry is considering how the rise in the cost of living could exacerbate existing inequalities and what steps the Government and other stakeholders, including different sectors of the economy, could take in response.


The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House

How to attend