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13 December 2023 - Pre-appointment hearing for Chair of the BBC - Oral evidence

Committee Culture, Media and Sport Committee
Inquiry Pre-appointment hearing for Chair of the BBC

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Start times: 9:30am (private) 10:00am (public)

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New Chair of the BBC: CMS Committee to hold pre-appointment hearing with Government’s preferred candidate Dr Samir Shah CBE

Dr Shah will appear before the CMS Committee for pre-appointment scrutiny following the Government’s announcement that he is the preferred candidate for the post of BBC Chair

The session will take place on Wednesday 13 December at 10am. Following the hearing, the Committee will publish a report on the suitability of the candidate for the Government to consider as part of the appointment process.

Meeting details

At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Work Pre-appointment hearing for Chair of the BBC (Pre-appointment hearing)
Government's candidate for Chair of the BBC


The Wilson Room, Portcullis House

How to attend