Industry figures and academics give evidence on Large Language Models
The Communications and Digital Committee takes evidence from industry figures and academics as part of its inquiry into Large Language Models (LLMs).
Meeting details
The Committee is looking at large language models and what needs to happen over the next 1–3 years to ensure the UK can respond to their opportunities and risks.
Possible areas for discussion
In the first session the discussion focuses on progress against the Government’s ambition to make the UK an AI superpower; the balance in the AI White Paper between encouraging innovation and managing risks; what level of ambition the UK should aim for around generative AI; and how the UK can achieve competitive advantage in the international race to develop frontier AI capabilities.
The second session covers in more detail the regulation of large language models through the White Paper proposals; the adequacy of the Government’s regulatory proposals; the case for statutory regulators; emerging challenges facing sector regulators and the adequacy of their powers and remits.