Looking at access to public services for younger disabled people
On Wednesday 7 June, the Public Services Committee will hear evidence for its new inquiry, Access to public services for young disabled people, from the Cabinet Office’s Disability Unit; and from the Department for Education.
This is the first evidence session of an inquiry that is expected to run until the Autumn. Amongst other topics, tomorrow’s session will examine the questions below.
Meeting details
Possible questions
- What are the Disability Unit’s priorities for the next three years? What specific work is being done to support young disabled people?
- Why are some mainstream schools unable to deliver inclusive education to some disabled young people, and how is this being addressed?
- What are the main transition points for young disabled people in their experience of school (eg moving from primary to secondary and further education?)
- How is the Government supporting young people with disabilities as they leave secondary education?
- How are Departments ensuring that the voices of young disabled people are heard in the design and delivery of public services and strategies?