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26 April 2023 - National Disability Strategy - Oral evidence

Committee Women and Equalities Committee
Inquiry National Disability Strategy

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 2:30pm (public)

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MPs hears from autistic people and those with learning disabilities on Government’s disability strategy and NHS waiting times

Autism and learning disability charities join health and social care experts to give evidence as part of the Women and Equalities Committee’s inquiry on the National Disability Strategy.

Meeting details

At 2:00pm: Private discussion
Inquiry National Disability Strategy
At 2:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry National Disability Strategy
Head of Influencing & Research at National Autistic Society
Young Ambassador at National Autistic Society
Executive Director of Communications, Advocacy & Activism at The Royal Mencap Society
Engagement Lead at The Royal Mencap Society
At 3:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry National Disability Strategy
Head of Policy at Care England
Consultant Nurse and Associate Professor (Hon), Learning Disabilities

In the second session of the inquiry, MPs hear first-hand experiences of the challenges that autistic people and those with learning disabilities face, especially in accessing healthcare and employment.

In July 2022 there were 130,000 people waiting for a clinical autism assessment. 84% of those waiting for a first assessment had been waiting for 13 weeks or more. MPs are also likely to examine the misdiagnosis of women and girls, and health inequalities for people with learning disabilities.

The Committee will also hear from learning disability and autism experts, who have worked extensively in healthcare and the adult social care sector, with questions on the ‘over medication’ of these groups with over 30,000 adults with a learning disability taking psychotropic medicines when they may not have the health conditions the medicines are for.

A British Sign Language interpretation of this event will also be available in the room and at 


The Wilson Room, Portcullis House

How to attend