Transport Committee examines barriers to the introduction of self-driving vehicles
The Transport Committee questions experts on the uses of self-driving vehicles (SDVs) and potential barriers to their implementation on UK roads.
This is the third session of the Committee’s inquiry into SDVs. MPs seek views on possible applications and barriers to their introduction, including safety concerns and infrastructure requirements. The Committee will also seek the witnesses' views on the Government’s proposed legislative and regulatory approach to the introduction of SDVs, as set out in an August 2022 policy paper.
Meeting details
In the first panel of witnesses, MPs question representatives of Starship Technologies, Stagecoach and Warwick Manufacturing Group. The cross-party Committee will focus on different possible uses of SDVs and other automated technology, such as buses, taxis, HGVs and personal delivery robots, and related technical challenges. There will also be questions on the role of the ‘driver’ in an SDV and the interaction of SDVs with other road users.
In the second panel of witnesses, with representatives of DG Cities and Institute of Highway Engineers alongside Christopher Wolmar, the cross-party Committee hears about the advantages and disadvantages of greater SDV use. There may also be questions on safety and public perceptions of SDVs, as well as whether the UK’s roads are suitable for this technology.