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24 January 2023 - Precautionary exclusion - Oral evidence

Committee Committee on Standards
Inquiry Precautionary exclusion

Tuesday 24 January 2023

Start times: 9:45am (private) 10:30am (public)

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Committee announce witnesses for evidence session on ‘precautionary exclusion’ in response to consultation

The House of Commons Committee on Standards has announced that it will hold a one-off oral evidence session on “precautionary exclusion” on Tuesday 24 January.

Following the House of Commons Commission's recent publication of proposals for consultation on ‘precautionary exclusion’, which would potentially restrict MPs’ access to the Parliamentary Estate and parliamentary travel where there is an established allegation of committing a violent or sexual offence, the Committee on Standards is launching a brief inquiry.

The Committee will consider how ‘precautionary exclusion’ relates to the Commons’ standards system, the standing of the House and the safety of the public and other members of the parliamentary community.

In advance of the one-off session, the Committee has launched a call for evidence which can be read here.

Meeting details

At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Work Precautionary exclusion (Non-inquiry session)
Director of Legal and Enforcement at Bar Standards Board
Bishop of Worcester at Church of England
Detective Chief Superintendent at Professional Standards Branch
Senior Advisory Lawyer at Church of England


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

How to attend