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25 October 2022 - Family Migration - Oral evidence

Committee Justice and Home Affairs Committee
Inquiry Family Migration

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Start times: 10:00am (private) 10:00am (public)

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Lords Committee hears from families separated by the immigration rules

The Justice and Home Affairs Committee is holding its sixth and seventh oral evidence sessions as part of its inquiry into family migration.


Meeting details

At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Family Migration
General Practitioner at Blackhall and Peterlee Medical practice and New Seaham Medical Group, Durham
At 11:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Family Migration

The Committee is holding two sessions with members of the public who have been separated from their families because of the immigration rules. Only the first session will be broadcast and members of the public will not be admitted to the second session.

Possible questions

  • Did you need legal advice to make your application for family reunion? If so, how easy was it to access, and were you satisfied that you received sound advice?
  • What was the cost to you of family separation and family reunion? Please consider application fees and other costs. How did such costs affect your decision whether to make an application for family reunion?
  • What is your experience of keeping in touch with your family abroad using phone calls and video calls?

Further information


To be confirmed