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15 June 2022 - Global Environmental Facility - Oral evidence

Committee Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Inquiry Global Environmental Facility

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Start times: 2:15pm (private) 2:45pm (public)

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MPs scrutinise UK aid through Global Environment Facility

The UK’s relationship with the main body for enabling developing countries to invest in nature and support the implementation of international environmental conventions will be scrutinised by the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee at an evidence session on Wednesday, June 15 at 2.45pm in Committee Room 6 of the House of Commons.

MPs are due to question the leaders of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), which supports the implementation of agreements such as the UN Framework on Climate Change and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.

The GEF achieves its goals through making grants to projects addressing issues such as climate change, land degradation and biodiversity. For example, in 2022, the organisation invested more than $3.5bn. to conserve and sustain biodiversity.

Likely areas of questioning

The Committee may ask questions on subjects including:

  • the role of the GEF;
  • how it works in practice on issues such as land and water environmental protection, as well as matters concerning waste management; and
  • how GEF policies align with the UK’s international environmental aims.  

During the last round of GEF funding (2018-2022) the UK committed £250m. UK funding for the GEF is currently the responsibility of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office – although in previous years it has been shared with the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Meeting details

At 2:15pm: Private discussion
Inquiry Global Environmental Facility
At 2:45pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Global Environmental Facility
Director of Programs at Global Environment Facility
Chief Executive Officer and Chair at Global Environment Facility


Room 6, Palace of Westminster

How to attend