Sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector: next steps examined
17 September 2020
The International Development Committee will be holding its second oral evidence session as part of the inquiry, Sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector: next steps.
- Watch Parliament TV: Sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector: next steps
- Inquiry: Sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector: next steps
- International Development Committee
Tuesday 22 September 2020 (Virtual)
- Please note there is no physical access to Parliament
- Session will be conducted with remote participation by witnesses and Committee members
At 2.30pm
- Megan Nobert, Director, Safeguarding, International Rescue Committee
- Lucy Heaven Taylor, Independent Consultant, Safeguarding
- Ester Dross, Independent Consultant and Adviser, PSEA
Witnesses from 3.30pm
- Sarah Blakemore, Director, Keeping Children Safe
- Pierre Hauselmann, Executive Director, Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative
- Tanya Wood, Executive Director, CHS Alliance
Purpose of the Session
The first panel features safeguarding practitioners and independent consultants, witnesses who have chosen to devote much of their professional life to improve safeguarding policies and practices in the aid sector to combat sexual exploitation and abuse.
The second panel features Directors of the CHS Alliance, Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative and Keeping Children Safe. These organisations are at the forefront of ensuring that high standards are maintained across the aid sector.
Further information
Image: Parliamentary Authority