Development stakeholders questioned on DFID's allocation of resources
18 January 2016
The International Development Committee questions non-governmental organisations on the UK's aid strategy and Department for International Development's (DFID) allocation decisions and mechanisms.
- Watch Parliament TV: DFID's allocation of resources
- Inquiry: DFID's allocation of resources
- International Development Committee
Tuesday 19 January 2016, Wilson Room, Portcullis House
At 10.15am
- Harpinder Collacott, Executive Director, Development Initiatives
- Larry Attree, Head of Policy, Saferworld
- Julian Egan, Head of Advocacy, International Alert
At 11.00am
- Aaron Oxley, Executive Director of RESULTS UK, Action for Global Health
- Jonathan Glennie, Director of Policy, Save the Children
- Girish Menon, Chief Executive, ActionAid UK
Purpose of the Session
The Committee examines whether the new aid strategy represents a shift in focus for the UK in its development spending and how well DFID and other Government departments are equipped to achieve their development objectives.
Further information
Image: PA
Video: Parliamentary copyright