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Former Secretaries of State discuss DFID's future strategic direction

14 March 2016

The International Development Committee hears from Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP and Rt Hon Clare Short on the global humanitarian system.


Monday 14 March 2016, Grimond Room, Portcullis House

At 2.30pm

Former Secretaries of State for International Development:

Purpose of the Session

This session will investigate concerns about the difficulties that international non-governmental organisations (particularly Muslim groups) face when operating in high-risk environments, such as in the case of the Syria crisis.

These issues include the impact of counter-terrorism measures on their operations and access to finance. The session will also explore the views of Ms Short and Mr Mitchell regarding the World Humanitarian Summit, the Sustainable Development Goals and broader issues relating to the Department for International Development's strategic direction.

Further information

Image: Parliamentary Copyright

Video: Parliamentary copyright