Expressions of interest for the position of Specialist Adviser
3 December 2018
The Joint Committee on Human Rights invites people with relevant expertise who would be interested in serving as an adviser to send a brief CV and covering letter indicating their field of work to register their interest.
Role of the Committee
The Joint Committee on Human Rights is responsible for considering human rights in the United Kingdom.
The Committee covers a very wide range of potential policy areas. Currently it is inquiring into matters relating to youth detention.
In the New Year it is expected to look at the rights of the children of prisoners and into human rights and the digital revolution.
The Committee has a small team of expert staff, but looks at many different subjects through a human rights prism.
In doing this it primarily relies on written and oral evidence from practitioners, experts and those with lived experience.
On occasion, the Committee appoints specialist advisers to supplement internal expertise.
These are specifically advisory functions, such as, for example inputting into a briefing or commenting on staff work, rather than temporary posts.
The Committee would like to have a more open way of sourcing expertise.
Application process
The applications will be kept on file until the end of the Parliament.
Prospective advisers may be contacted with information about the application process if the Committee is considering appointing an adviser in an area which matches their expertise.
Please note that submission of an expression of interest does not guarantee that there will be an opportunity to act as adviser.
The Committee values diversity and encourages applications from people from a wide range of backgrounds.
Registering your interest
To register your interest please email with CALL FOR SPECIALIST ADVISER in the subject line.
Covering letter
In your covering letter you should indicate how your expertise is relevant to this subject, the amount of time you could realistically devote to Committee work, and your ability to take on work at short notice if required.
Declaration of interests
Your declaration of interests should include anything that a reasonable person might consider could influence the advice you give the Committee. For example, a relevant financial interest, active membership of a relevant campaign group or political party, or the involvement of a close family member in the area of specialism.
Declared interests from successful applicants will be published.
Further information
Image: PC