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Oral evidence transcripts

Home Affairs Committee

Committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session on the Pre-2010 Publications page.

Total results 388 (page 11 of 20)
1 May 2018
Inquiry Policing for the future inquiry
Witnesses Dame Vera Baird DBE QC, Lead for Victims, Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, Chief Inspector Michael Brown OBE, Mental Health Coordinator for the National Police Chiefs’ Council and the College of Policing, Sophie Corlett, Director of External Relations at Mind, Mike Veale, Chief Constable of Cleveland Police and NPCC Lead for Missing Persons; Chief Supt Jeff Boothe, Commander – South Area Basic Command Unit, Metropolitan Police, Alison Hernandez, PCC for Devon and Cornwall and Deputy APCC Lead for Local Partnerships and Policing, Andy Higgins, Research Director, Police Foundation, Garry Shewan, former Assistant Chief Constable, Greater Manchester Police
Oral Evidence
24 April 2018
Inquiry Hate crime and its violent consequences inquiry
Witnesses Paul Clarkson, Managing Editor, The Sun, Lloyd Embley, Group Editor-in-Chief, Trinity Mirror, Gary Jones, Editor-in-Chief, Daily and Sunday Express, Peter Wright, Editor Emeritus, Associated Newspapers; Ian Brunskill, Assistant Editor, The Times, Ian MacGregor, Editor Emeritus, Telegraph Media Group and President, Society of Editors, Ted Young, Editor, Metro; Neil Benson, Chair, Editors’ Code Committee, Ian Murray, Executive Director, Society of Editors
Oral Evidence
18 April 2018
Inquiry Post-Brexit migration policy inquiry
Witnesses Professor Alan Manning, Chair of the Migration Advisory Committee
Oral Evidence
28 March 2018
Inquiry The work of the Home Secretary inquiry
Witnesses Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP, Home Secretary, Philip Rutnam, Permanent Secretary, Home Office
Oral Evidence
20 March 2018
Inquiry Immigration detention inquiry
Witnesses Janahan, a former detainee in Harmondsworth and Morton Hall who now has refugee status, Voke, a former Yarl’s Wood detainee who is currently seeking asylum, and Afiya, a former Yarl’s Wood detainee who is currently seeking asylum, Kris Harris, Policy & Research Worker, Medical Justice, Gemma Lousley, Policy and Research Coordinator, Women for Refugee Women, Tom Nunn, Legal Manager, Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID), Serco Group: Rupert Soames, CEO, and Julia Rogers, MD Justice and Immigration, Prison Service: Phil Wragg, HMPPS Prisons Group Director for Kent, Essex, IRCs and FNPs, Karen Head, Morton Hall Centre Manager
Oral Evidence
13 March 2018
Inquiry Policing for the future inquiry
Witnesses Dr Helen Beckett, Director, The International Centre: Researching Child Sexual Exploitation, Violence and Trafficking, University of Bedfordshire, Cassandra Harrison, Director, Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse, Elaine McConnell, CEO, The Lucy Faithfull Foundation, Adam Pemberton, Corporate Director of Strategy & Performance, Barnardo’sChief Constable Simon Bailey, Lead for Child Protection, National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), Will Kerr, Director of Vulnerabilities, National Crime Agency (NCA), Chief Inspector Ronnie Egan, District Commander – Chelmsford and Maldon District Policing Area, Essex Police
Oral Evidence
13 March 2018
Inquiry Hate crime and its violent consequences inquiry
Witnesses William McCants, Global Policy Lead for Counterterrorism, YouTube, Google
Oral Evidence
6 March 2018
Inquiry Hate crime and its violent consequences inquiry
Witnesses Alison Saunders CB, Director of Public Prosecutions, Crown Prosecution Service
Oral Evidence
27 February 2018
Inquiry Post-Brexit migration policy inquiry
Witnesses Catherine Barnard, Professor of European Union Law, University of Cambridge, Zsolt Darvas, Senior Fellow, Bruegel, Mats Persson, Head of International Trade, Ernst and Young
Oral Evidence
20 February 2018
Inquiry Hate crime and its violent consequences inquiry
Witnesses The Rt Hon. the Baroness Warsi, Professor Chris Frost, Chair of the Ethics Council, National Union of Journalists; Nazir Afzal OBE, Member of the Complaints Committee, Anne Lapping, Board Member, Rt Hon Sir Alan Moses, Chairman, Independent Press Standards Organisation; Jonathan Heawood, Chief Executive Officer, IMPRESS
Oral Evidence
23 January 2018
Inquiry Home Office delivery of Brexit: policing and security cooperation inquiry
Witnesses Rt Hon Nick Hurd MP, Minister of State for Policing and Fire Service, Home Office, Shona Riach, Europe Director, Home Office
Oral Evidence
6 February 2018
Inquiry Hate crime and its violent consequences inquiry
Witnesses Professor Neil Chakraborti, Director of the Centre for Hate Studies, University of Leicester, Sam Smethers, Chief Executive, The Fawcett Society, Dr Loretta Trickett, Centre for the Study and Reduction of Hate Crimes, Bias and Prejudice, Nottingham Trent University, Professor Mark Walters, Co-investigator of the Sussex Hate Crime Project, University of SussexDr Jelena Dzakula, Fellow, and Professor Damian Tambini, Research Director, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science, Dr Martyn Frampton, Reader in Modern History at Queen Mary University of London and Co-Head of the Security and Extremism Unit at Policy Exchange, Dr Martin Moore, Director of the Centre for the Study of Media, Communication and Power, King’s College London
Oral Evidence
30 January 2018
Inquiry Counter-terrorism inquiry
Witnesses David Anderson QC, former Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation
Oral Evidence
7 March 2017
Inquiry EU policing and security issues inquiry
Witnesses Rob Wainwright, Director, Europol.
Oral Evidence
28 February 2017
Inquiry EU policing and security issues inquiry
Witnesses Sir Julian King, Commissioner for Security Union, European Commission.
Oral Evidence
9 January 2018
Inquiry Policing for the future inquiry
Witnesses T/Commander David Clark, National Co-ordinator for Economic Crime, City of London Police, Richard Piggin, Campaign Manager, Which?, Detective Superintendent Nicky Porter, Financial Investigations Unit, Serious Crime Division, Greater Manchester Police, Katy Worobec, Managing Director, Economic Crime, UK Finance
Oral Evidence
19 December 2017
Inquiry Hate crime and its violent consequences inquiry
Witnesses Dr Nicklas Berild Lundblad, Vice President Public Policy, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Google, Simon Milner, Director, Public Policy, Facebook, Sinead McSweeney, VP Public Policy and Communications, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Twitter
Oral Evidence
12 December 2017
Inquiry Harassment and intimidation near abortion clinics
Witnesses Councillor Julian Bell, Leader of the Council, Ealing Council, Councillor Binda Rai, Ealing Council; Clare Murphy, Director of External Affairs, British Pregnancy Advisory Service, John Hansen-Brevetti, Clinical Operations Manager, West London Centre and Acting Clinical Governance and Quality Lead – Greater London & South East, Marie Stopes UK, Antonia Tully, Head of Campaigning, Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, Clare McCullough, Director, Good Counsel Network
Oral Evidence
5 December 2017
Inquiry Home Office delivery of Brexit: policing and security cooperation inquiry
Witnesses Sir Alan Dashwood QC, Emeritus Professor of European Law, University of Cambridge, and Barrister, Henderson Chambers, Piet Eeckhout, Professor of EU Law, University College London, Valsamis Mitsilegas, Professor of European Criminal Law, Queen Mary University of LondonElizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner, Steve Wood, Deputy Information Commissioner – Policy, Professor Lorna Woods, Director of Research, School of Law, University of Essex
Oral Evidence
29 November 2017
Inquiry Home Office delivery of Brexit: immigration inquiry
Witnesses David Bolt, Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration; Lucy Moreton, General Secretary, Immigration Service Union, Adrian Berry, Chair, Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (at 10.15am); Helen Kenny, National Officer, FDA, Mike Jones, Group Secretary, Home Office group, Public and Commercial Services Union (at 10.45am)
Oral Evidence
Total results 388 (page 11 of 20)