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Health and Social Care Committee question Lord Darzi on his report on the state of the NHS

18 November 2024

The Health and Social Care Committee will question Lord Ara Darzi on key issues raised in his Report, the Independent investigation of the NHS in England.

In its first evidence session of the new Parliament, the Committee will take evidence from Lord Darzi on the issues of access and quality of NHS services and NHS productivity. MPs will also examine the issues of preventative healthcare, health inequalities, NHS structural reform and social care.

Lord Darzi was commissioned by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to undertake a rapid investigation of the state of the NHS, following the July General Election, assessing patient access, quality of care and overall performance of the health system. The findings of his report were intended to inform the focus of the NHS 10-year health plan.

Professor Darzi will be questioned alongside Tom Kibasi, the Chairman at NHS Community and Mental Health Providers, who led the drafting and directed the analysis for Lord Darzi’s Report.   


From 09:30am on Wednesday 20 November: 

  • The Rt Hon. Professor the Lord Darzi of Denham OM KBE  
  • Tom Kibasi, Chairman, Mental Health and Community Trusts, NHS North West London

Further information

Image: House of Commons