The foreign policy implications of and for a separate Scotland
16 October 2012
This is the first evidence session for the Committee’s inquiry into the foreign policy implications of and for a separate Scotland. This session has three panels of witnesses who between them will cover the law on state succession, Scotland and the UK’s relations with the EU and the UN and the rest of the UK’s likely international reputation and standing in the event of Scottish independence.
The meeting will take place on Tuesday 16 October 2.30 pm in the Thatcher Room, Portcullis House
- Professor Robert Hazell, Director, Constitution Unit, University College, London
- Dr Jo Eric Murkens, Senior Lecturer, Law School, London School of Economics
- Professor Matthew Craven, Professor of International Law and Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, SOAS
At approximately 3.20 pm
- Dr Andrew Blick, University of Kent and Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies, King's College London
- Professor Richard Whitman, University of Kent and Associate Fellow, Chatham House
At approximately 3.50 pm
- Sir Jeremy Greenstock GCMG, former Ambassador, Director of the UK UN Association
- Professor Nigel White, Professor of Public International Law, University of Nottingham