Former Libya Ambassador questioned on future UK policy options
27 October 2015
The Foreign Affairs Committee takes evidence from the former UK Ambassador to Libya and Chairman of the Libyan British Business Council as part of its Libya: intervention, collapse and the UK's future policy options inquiry.
- Watch Parliament TV: Libya: examination of intervention and collapse and the UK's future policy options
- Inquiry: Libya: examination of intervention and collapse and the UK's future policy options
- Foreign Affairs Committee
Tuesday 27 October 2015, the Thatcher Room, Portcullis House
- Sir Dominic Asquith KCMG, former UK Ambassador to Libya and Chairman of the Libyan British Business Council
Topics covered
Likely topics for discussion include:
- Post-conflict reconstruction
- The role of the United Nations
- The current situation in Libya with particular reference to the ongoing UN-sponsored peace process
Further information
Image: iStockphoto