Article 50 negotiations - implications of “no deal” examined
3 February 2017
The Foreign Affairs Committee hears from legal experts, and a former UK high-ranking national of the European Commission, on the implications of the UK leaving the EU at the end of the Article 50 negotiating period with no withdrawal agreement in place.
- Watch Parliament TV: Session 1 - Implications of leaving the EU for the UK's role in the world
- Watch Parliament TV: Session 2 - Implications of leaving the EU for the UK's role in the world
- Inquiry: Implications of leaving the EU for the UK's role in the world
- Foreign Affairs Committee
Tuesday 7 February 2017
Session 1 at 10am - Committee Room 5, Palace of Westminster
- Professor Kenneth Armstrong, Professor of European Law, University of Cambridge
- Professor Derrick Wyatt QC, Brick Court Chambers, Emeritus
Professor of Law, University of Oxford, on behalf of the Bar Council - Hugo Leith, Barrister, Brick Court Chambers, on behalf of the Bar Council
Session 2 at 3pm - The Grimond Room, Portcullis House
- Jonathan Faull, former Director-General, European Commission
Purpose of the sessions
The morning session focuses on some of the potential legal and practical implications, both for the Government and for ordinary people and businesses, if the UK and EU fail to conclude a withdrawal agreement within the two year period mandated by Article 50.
The afternoon session draws on Mr Faull's expertise as the former most high-ranking UK national in the European Commission to explore some of the institutional and political aspects of the forthcoming Article 50 negotiations, as well as the prospect of the UK and EU failing to agree an exit deal.
Further information
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