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What impact could a CBAM have on energy intensive sectors?

3 December 2021

The Environmental Audit Committee is to host its second evidence session exploring carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAMs). This session will focus on industry.

Likely areas of discussion

Among the issues likely to be discussed are:

  • What challenges certain sectors could face in assessing the carbon footprint of imported products;
  • How a CBAM, or product standards for imports, might increase demand for low-carbon products; and
  • How Government and industry could work together to implement a CBAM.

The first panel of witnesses are representatives from four sectors which might fall within the scope of a possible UK CBAM (steel, cement, chemicals and electricity). On the second panel, MPs will hear from Make UK, CCm Technologies and the British Standards Institution.


Wednesday 8 December 2021

From 14:15: 

  • Richard Warren, Head of Policy and External Affairs, UK Steel
  • Rich Woolley, Head of Energy and Climate Change, Chemical Industries Association
  • Dr Richard Leese, Director for Industrial Policy, Energy and Climate Change and Director for MPA Cement, Mineral Products Association
  • Paul Dawson, Head of Regulatory Affairs, RWE Supply & Trading GmbH

Witnesses from 15:30:

  • Pawel Kisielewski, Chief Executive Officer, CCm Technologies
  • Fergus McReynolds, Director of EU & International Affairs, Make UK
  • Dr Scott Steedman, Director-General, Standards, British Standards Institution

Further information

Image: Unsplash