What impact could a CBAM have on energy intensive sectors?
3 December 2021
The Environmental Audit Committee is to host its second evidence session exploring carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAMs). This session will focus on industry.
- Parliament TV: watch the session live
- Inquiry: Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms
- Environmental Audit Committee
Likely areas of discussion
Among the issues likely to be discussed are:
- What challenges certain sectors could face in assessing the carbon footprint of imported products;
- How a CBAM, or product standards for imports, might increase demand for low-carbon products; and
- How Government and industry could work together to implement a CBAM.
The first panel of witnesses are representatives from four sectors which might fall within the scope of a possible UK CBAM (steel, cement, chemicals and electricity). On the second panel, MPs will hear from Make UK, CCm Technologies and the British Standards Institution.
Wednesday 8 December 2021
From 14:15:
- Richard Warren, Head of Policy and External Affairs, UK Steel
- Rich Woolley, Head of Energy and Climate Change, Chemical Industries Association
- Dr Richard Leese, Director for Industrial Policy, Energy and Climate Change and Director for MPA Cement, Mineral Products Association
- Paul Dawson, Head of Regulatory Affairs, RWE Supply & Trading GmbH
Witnesses from 15:30:
- Pawel Kisielewski, Chief Executive Officer, CCm Technologies
- Fergus McReynolds, Director of EU & International Affairs, Make UK
- Dr Scott Steedman, Director-General, Standards, British Standards Institution
Further information
Image: Unsplash