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Secretary of State questioned on environmental aspects of Heathrow expansion

25 November 2016

Environmental Audit Committee question the Secretary of State on environmental aspects of Heathrow expansion: The Airports Commission Report: Carbon emissions, air quality and noise.


Wednesday 30 November, Grimond Room, Portcullis House

At 2.00pm

  • Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, Secretary of State for Transport
  • Caroline Low, Director of Airport Capacity, DfT

Response from the Government

The Environmental Audit Committee has today published a response from the Secretary of State for Transport, Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, to the Committee's interim findings on the Airport Commission's Report: Carbon Emissions, Air Quality and Noise.

The Committee conducted an inquiry in autumn 2015 into the environmental aspects of the Airports Commission's findings. The Committee said it would hear oral evidence from the Secretary of State for Transport if the Government agreed with the Airports Commission's recommendation to build an additional runway at Heathrow Airport. The Committee's report, and the evidence received by the inquiry, can be found on the Committee's website.

Chair's comments

Commenting on Mr Grayling's response, the EAC Chair Mary Creagh MP said:

"We're particularly keen to hear from the Secretary of State about how the third runway will be compliant with our EU air quality obligations, especially in light of the High Court's judgement that the UK's air quality plan is illegal." 

Further information

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Video: Parliamentary copyright