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Specialist Advisor - Expressions of interest

3 August 2016

The Environmental Audit Select Committee (EAC) is inviting expressions of interest from individuals interested in being a specialist adviser to the Committee's inquiry into the Future of the Natural Environment after the EU Referendum

The Committee

The EAC is a cross-party select committee of 16 MPs, chaired by Mary Creagh MP. It scrutinises the performance of Government departments and agencies on sustainable development and environmental protection.

The terms of reference for the inquiry can be found on the Committee's website. The role is likely to run from mid-September until the end of 2016.

The Role

The Committee would like to hear from individuals who have expert knowledge of EU funding streams for agroecology, biodiversity and environmentally-friendly land use.

As a specialist adviser, you will be working with the Committee secretariat on an ad hoc basis to provide authoritative advice in relation to this inquiry. Only in exceptional circumstances would you be asked to do more than two days' work in a particular week. You would be paid a daily honorarium on the basis of work done.

Examples of the types of work you may be asked to do include:

  • Commenting on drafts produced by the Committee secretariat;
  • Writing briefing notes for the Committee;
  • Attend Committee meetings and provide oral briefings when required.

Application Process

To express interest please send a CV, covering letter and a declaration of relevant interests to the email address below. In your covering letter you should set out how your expertise is relevant to this inquiry, an indication of the amount of time you could realistically devote to Committee work and your ability to take on work at short notice if required.

Your declaration of interests should include anything that a reasonable person might consider could influence the advice you give the Committee. For example, a relevant financial interest or active membership of a relevant campaign group or political party. Declared interests from successful applicants will be published.

Expressions of interest should be sent to no later than 5pm on Wednesday, 7 September 2016. If you have any questions about the role you can contact the Committee team on 020 7219 0715. 

Further information

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