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MPs call for evidence on new common framework for food safety

27 November 2020

Following the publication of a new Common Framework—designed to ensure a harmonised approach across the UK on food and feed safety and hygiene—the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee today announces a call for written evidence.

What is the Common Framework?

The provisional Common Framework for Food and Feed Safety and Hygiene (FFSH) was published on 27 November and sets out new processes for the four nations to adhere to after the transition period ends on 31 December.

The proposed FFSH common framework outlines how food safety authorities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should assess and manage risk and handle divergence in relation to food and feed standards, official controls and imports.

Call for written evidence

The Committee welcomes written submissions with a deadline of Friday 11 December on the following questions:

  • Will the FFSH Framework be sufficient to ensure the protection of public health and wider consumer interests in food across England and the UK?
  • In developing the FFSH Framework, has the Government consulted and engaged with appropriate stakeholders across the four nations of the UK?
  • Does the FFSH Framework set out adequate detail on how risk assessment, risk management and divergence will be managed? If not, what further detail is required?
  • Is the FFSH Framework coherent and compatible existing and proposed legislation and other common frameworks?
  • Where Northern Ireland (NI) will be unable to implement the same food and feed safety policy approaches as the GB countries because of the Northern Ireland Protocol, does the FFSH Framework outline in enough detail how NI officials and Ministers will be involved and how divergence between GB and NI will be managed?

Further information

Image: CCO