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Joint Committee on the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act

Joint Select Committee

Welcome to the website of the Joint Committee on the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act 2011. 

The Joint Committee has been appointed to:

(a) carry out a review of the operation of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, pursuant to section 7 of that Act, and if appropriate in consequence of its findings, make recommendations for the repeal or amendment of that Act; and

(b) consider, as part of its work under subparagraph (a), and report on any draft Government Bill on the repeal of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 presented to both Houses in this session.

Posts from the Committee's Twitter account are available to view on the UK Parliament Web Archive.


There are no current inquiries

Latest publications

View all publications
Inquiry Fixed-Term Parliaments Act
HC 1046 / HL 253
Response to this report
Government response to the Joint Committee on the Fixed-term Parliament Act Report
Government Response
Government response to the Joint Committee on the Fixed-term Parliament Act Report
Government Response

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  • Email:
  • Phone: Eve Samson (Clerk) 020 7219 3315/Ian Hook (Senior Executive Officer) 020 7219 8370