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City Minister questioned on the UK-EU negotiations on financial services

26 June 2020

The EU Services Sub-Committee hears evidence from John Glen MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister, on the UK-EU negotiations on financial services. This will also be a follow-up to the EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee's inquiry on ‘Financial services after Brexit'.


Wednesday 2 July 2020 at 10.00am
virtual meeting

  • John Glen MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister, HM Treasury
  • Katharine Braddick, Director General to Financial Services, HM Treasury

Likely questions

  • What progress has been made in completing the UK-EU equivalence assessments?
  • When will the equivalence decisions be published? Could these be affected by the broader UK-EU negotiations?
  • What form of UK-EU regulatory cooperation on financial services should there be?How will the Government's plans to change certain financial services rules affect the negotiations?

Further information