Brexit update from Environment Secretary
6 July 2020
The EU Environment Sub-Committee questions Defra's Secretary of State George Eustice on his Department's preparations for the end of the transition period and priorities for the UK-EU future relationship negotiations.
At 10am on Wednesday 8 July 2020
- Rt Hon George Eustice MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
- Emma Bourne, Director of EU Exit, Domestic and Constitutional Affairs at Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
- Mark Thompson, Deputy Director at EU Strategy and Negotiations at Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Areas of discussion
The Committee has been examining a number of Defra's policy areas that either need to be resolved in the UK-EU future relationship negotiations, or need to be implemented before the end of the Brexit transition period. Members will be asking the Secretary of State about:
- Possible ways forward for the fisheries negotiations, particularly in relation to quota allocations
- What action Defra is taking to make the Northern Ireland Protocol workable for the agrifood sector
- Agrifood aspects of the Government's free trade negotiations
- How environmental level playing field provisions will work and be enforced