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Cabinet Office questioned on the Electoral Registration Act 2013

16 July 2019

The Select Committee on the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 questions officials from the Cabinet Office in its first public evidence session.


Tuesday 16 July in Committee Room 2A, Palace of Westminster

At 3.30pm

  • Peter Lee, director, Constitution Group, Cabinet Office
  • Simon James, Deputy Director, Elections Division, Cabinet Office

Possible questions

  • What is the Government's assessment of the Act and its implementation?
  • What current priorities is the Government working on in relation to improving electoral registration and administration?
  • Does the Government have any plans to introduce a central or online system for allowing electors to check their registration status?
  • How effective has the Act been in its stated purpose of tackling fraud?
  • What are the key problems in relation to the annual canvass at present?

Further information

Image: PA