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Review of the Code of Conduct for Members

27 March 2024

The House of Lords Conduct Committee has published a call for written evidence for its review of the Code of Conduct for Members and the Guide to the Code of Conduct. It is inviting interested organisations and individuals to submit their views.

Background and aims of the review

The Code was adopted in 2009, following a review by the Leader’s Group on the Code of Conduct, and the Guide was agreed the following year. Although they have been much amended and expanded, there has been no comprehensive review since 2009.

The review will provide a chance to shorten and clarify the Code and Guide where possible, to reflect on how their presentation could be improved, both for members and the public, and to consider whether any other changes are needed in the light of developments over the past 15 years.

Key issues

The Committee is seeking written submissions addressing any or all of the following questions:

  • Are any elements of the Code and Guide unclear or confusing? If so, how can they be clarified?
  • Are any provisions of the Code or Guide unnecessary?
  • Do any of the rules for members’ conduct need to be updated, in line with wider developments since 2009?
  • Are there any gaps or omissions in the Code and Guide? In particular, should there be a rule covering behaviour by members that causes significant reputational damage to the House as a whole? If so, how would this relate to the existing rule that members “should act always on their personal honour”?
  • How can the presentation of the Code and Guide be improved, to make it more accessible and user-friendly?
  • Are there any other issues, not covered in these questions, that you would like to raise?

The deadline for submissions is Friday 3 May 2024 at 10.00am.

Further information