Future of FIFA examined by MPs
14 September 2015
The Culture, Media and Sport Committee holds its first evidence session for the inquiry into the future of FIFA.
- Watch Parliament TV: The future of FIFA
- Inquiry: The future of FIFA
- Culture, Media and Sport Committee
Wednesday 16 September 2015, Grimond Room, Portcullis House
At 2.15pm
- Deborah Unger, Manager, Corruption and Sports Initiative, Transparency International
- Jaimie Fuller, Chairman, SKINS
- Bonita Mersiades, former member of the senior management team for Australia 2022 World Cup bid
Background to the inquiry
The Culture, Media and Sport Committee agreed in July to hold an inquiry into the future of FIFA, to follow up the previous Committee's work on the allocation of the 2018 and 2022 World Cups and the revelations of corruption within FIFA that followed this.
Further information
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