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Cambridge Analytica questioned on fake news

27 February 2018

The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee holds its fifth public session as part of its inquiry into fake news.


Tuesday 27 February 2018, Thatcher Room, Portcullis House

At 10.30am

  • Alexander Nix, Chief Executive, Cambridge Analytica

Session background

MPs will use the opportunity to ask Mr Nix about, amongst other issues, the way in which data can be used to target messaging, their experience in data-driven communications and marketing and how such targeting contributes to the echo chamber effect on social media.

Cambridge Analytica combines data mining and data analysis in order to focus tailored communications to voters, during elections. The company is a subsidiary of SCL Group, of which  Mr Nix is on the Board of Directors.

The Committee has published the following correspondence from Cambridge Analytica:

Further information

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