Participation in EU agencies after Brexit discussed
13 December 2017
The Exiting the European Union Committee looks into the suitability of access to and continued membership of EU agencies post-Brexit.
- Watch Parliament TV: The progress of the UK's negotiations on EU withdrawal
- Inquiry: The progress of the UK's negotiations on EU withdrawal
- Exiting the European Union Committee
This session continues the Exiting the European Union Committee's inquiry into the progress of the EU withdrawal negotiations.
In this meeting, the Committee is expected to discuss the following issues:
- Past, present and future participation in EU agencies
- Legal requirements of membership
- Budgetary considerations
- Transition arrangements
- UK capacity to replicate EU agency functions in the future
Wednesday 13 December, Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House
At 9.15am, Panel 1:
- Prof Alexander H. Türk (Professor of Law, King's College London)
- John Cassels (Partner, Competition, Regulatory and Trade Law, Fieldfisher LLP)
- Dr Scott Steedman (Director of Standards, British Standards Institute and Vice President, International Standards Organisation)
At 10.15am approximately, Panel 2:
- Katherine Bennett (Senior Vice President, Airbus UK)
- Rod Ainsworth (Director of Regulatory and Legal Strategy, Food Standards Agency)
- Angela Hepworth (Director of Corporate Policy and Regulation, EDF UK)
- Dr Ian Hudson (Chief Executive, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency)
Further information
- Brexit: next steps of UK's withdrawal from the EU
- Read the House of Commons Library research briefing on EU agencies and post-Brexit options
- About Parliament: Select committees
- Visiting Parliament: Watch committees
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