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Climate change experts questioned on clean growth strategy and COP23

22 November 2017

The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee examines issues surrounding climate change and emission reductions during an evidence session on the Government's Clean Growth Strategy and the outcomes of the United Nations COP23 climate negotiations in Bonn.

Impact of Brexit

Questioning on the Clean Growth Strategy, published last month, will examine progress towards meeting carbon budgets and ways to decarbonise sectors such as industry, heat, homes and transport, as well as the impact of Brexit on the strategy.

International climate change action

The second session on the outcomes of Bonn COP23, the UN Climate Change Conference which concluded on Friday, will focus on progress made towards implementing the Paris Agreement, links between UK and international climate change action, and what EU withdrawal means for the UK's involvement.

It will also look at the impact on climate change policy of the Trump presidency and the role of business in international climate action.


Wednesday 22 November 2017, Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster

At 9.30am

At 10.30am

  • Bob Ward, Policy and Communications Director, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, LSE
  • Zoe Knight, Managing Director, Group Head, HSBC Centre of Sustainable Finance
  • Dr Stephen Cornelius, Chief Adviser – Climate Change, WWF-UK, WWF

Further information

Image: iStockphoto