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Disruptive technologies explored by committee

20 November 2015

The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee is holding an inquiry into the Digital Economy. This session looks at issues relating to disruptive technologies.


Tuesday 24 November, Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster

At 9.15 am

  • Andrew Byrne, Head of Public Policy in the UK and Ireland, Uber
  • Alex Depledge, Chief Executive Officer, Hassle
  • Ben Williams, Head of Operations, AdBlockPlus

At 10.15 am

  • Richard Massett, Chairman, Licensed Taxi Drivers Association
  • Charlotte Holloway, Head of Policy and Associate Director, techUK
  • Steve Chester, Director of Data and Industry Programmes, Internet Advertising Bureau

Chair's comments

On launching the inquiry Iain Wright MP, Chair of the Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Committee said:

"Digital technology is rapidly changing the economic landscape in which firms operate. Nothing short of a digital and tech revolution is taking place, with new entrepreneurs and business models emerging and existing businesses having to adapt quickly to keep pace. There are huge opportunities for competitive advantage for UK firms, but also real challenges.

The BIS Committee wants to evaluate existing initiatives by the Government and to consider what other actions the Government might take to enhance the UK digital economy. We want to hear from all those interested and involved in this area, whether you are a tech entrepreneur ambitious to start a business or  a company in an established part of the economy hoping to use digital technology to improve your business, so we can help ensure that the UK is at the forefront of the global digital economy"

Further information 

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