Arcadia Group and advisers questioned on BHS acquisition and pensions
20 May 2016
The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee and the Work and Pensions Committee hold a joint evidence session focusing on the role of advisers and the scope and nature of their advice on the sale and purchase of BHS and the arrangements for pensions.
- Watch Parliament TV: BHS
- Inquiry: The sale and acquisition of BHS
- Business, Innovation and Skills Committee
- Inquiry: Pension Protection Fund and Pensions Regulator
- Work and Pensions Committee
Written statement from Lord Grabiner
Lord Grabiner, has written to the Committees explaining his involvement with BHS.
Monday 23 May 2016, Grimond Room, Portcullis House
At 3.50pm
Panel 1: Advisers on pensions
- Ian Greenstreet (Partner), Nabarro
- Tony Clare (Partner), Deloitte
- David Clarke (Partner), KPMG
- Richard Cousins (Partner), PwC
- Emma King (Partner), Eversheds
Panel 2: Advisers to Arcadia / Taveta
- Owen Clay (Partner), Linklaters
- Steve Denison (Partner), PwC
- Anthony Gutman (Co-Head, EMEA Investment Banking Services), Goldman Sachs
Panel 3: Arcadia / Taveta
- Ian Grabiner, CEO Arcadia Group, Director, Taveta Investments (No.2) and Taveta Investments Ltd
- Lord Grabiner, Director and Non-Executive Chairman of Taveta Investments (No.2) and Taveta Investments Ltd
- Paul Budge, Finance Director, Arcadia Group, Director Taveta Investments Ltd.
- Gillian Hague, Group Financial Controller, Arcadia Group's Shared Services, Director, Arcadia Group and Taveta Investments (No.2) Ltd
- Chris Harris, Group Property Director, Arcadia Group, Director, Taveta Investments Ltd
Purpose of the session
The session covers:
- questions in relation to the BHS pension fund
- the role of directors in the sale of BHS
- the checks carried out on Retail Acquisitions Limited before their purchase of BHS
Further information
Image: PA