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UN peacekeeping and UK-China relations discussed by Committee

6 July 2016

The International Relations Committee hears from academics at Chatham House and Kings College London on UN Peacekeeping and UK-China relations.


Wednesday 13 July in Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster

At 10:30am

  • Dr Alex Vines, OBE, Head of Africa Programme, Chatham House
  • Professor Kerry Brown, Director, Lau Institute, Kings college London

Possible Questions

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of UN peacekeeping missions? What are their reputations internationally?
  • How would you assess the UK's support on UN peacekeeping and, post-Brexit, how should the UK reconsider its approach towards peacekeeping?
  • What is the current partnership status between the UN and the African Union? Could this be improved?
  • How are UK-Chinese relations characterised at the UN? Is there a role for the UK to upgrade its engagement?
  • Would China favour a more meritocratic process for choosing leadership of UN agencies?
  • Does China envision the role of the new UNSG to be more secretary or general?

 Further information

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