House of Commons Commission decisions by correspondence: 11 April 2016
25 April 2016
- The Speaker
- Sir Paul Beresford
- Tom Brake
- Nick Brown
- Chris Bryant
- Chris Grayling
- Stewart Hosie
- Ian Ailles (Director General, House of Commons)
- David Natzler (Clerk of the House)
- Dame Janet Gaymer (External member)
- Jane McCall (External member)
Under the procedures agreed by the Commission for its own business, the assent of four Commissioners constitutes agreement to a paper circulated for agreement by correspondence.
The following item was agreed by correspondence:
1. Recruitment of Lay Members for the Committee on Standards
That the following be appointed as lay members of the Committee on Standards in accordance with Standing Order No. 149A:
(i) Jane Burgess and Arun Midha, for a period of six years; and
(ii) Charmaine Burton and Sir Peter Rubin, for a period of four years.
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