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Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS)

21 March 2019

The House of Commons Commission has today, Thursday 21 March 2019, published the Terms of Reference (pdf 81KB) for the Six-month review of the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS).

Six-month review of the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme Terms of Reference

The six-month review of the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS) began this week following the first meeting of the Advisory Review Panel. At that meeting, the panel ratified the appointment of Alison Stanley CBE FCIPD, to conduct the independent review.

The terms of reference for the review are:

·       ‘Ownership' of the ICGS, including but not limited to the accountability for ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of the Scheme and the mechanism for discussion and agreement on consistency of any future changes to the Scheme.

·       The operation of the ICGS to date, specifically the bullying and harassment, and sexual harassment policies and procedures. This will crucially take into account the views and experience of staff.

·       The one-year pilot ISMA Service. Plans are underway to develop a tender for a three-year service thereafter based on learning from the pilot.

·       The wording and interpretation of the Behaviour Code.

·       The take-up of training and development relating to the Scheme.

·       The effectiveness of the support provided to complainants and those subject to complaints.

·       The equality and effect of the application of sanctions.

·       Outstanding issues currently not dealt with by the Scheme, namely:

          third party reporting, that is by an individual who is not themselves the subject of the behaviour, and how those reports can be recorded and used;

          cluster reporting, that is where there are a number of reports about the behaviour of a person whether they have progressed to formal complaints or not, and how these reports should be handled, including for duty of care reasons; and

          visitors to MPs' constituency offices. 

·       Recommendations for changes to the ICGS made in the Cox report or conveyed by Gemma White QC or the reviewer of Lords staff bullying and harassment, other than the two key recommendations (being those set out in paragraph 409 of the Cox report) being taken forward separately.

·       The issues that may need further consideration at the 18 month review, and whether an earlier review is needed.

Evidence gathering will take place until 30 April 2019, and Alison plans to deliver her report by the end of May.

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