Commission approves Commons roadmap out of lockdown
8 March 2021
A roadmap to return MPs and staff gradually to pre-Covid levels in Parliament has been approved by the House of Commons Commission, following a full discussion at its meeting this morning.
The pace at which people go back to the estate will be determined by low infection rates, the continuing success of the vaccination programme, and the Government’s review into social distancing. The proposals mirror the Prime Minister’s roadmap out of the current lockdown for England. Any changes affecting the operation of Parliament as a whole, such as non-passholder access to the estate or the resumption of commercial tours, for example, will be decided jointly with the House of Lords Commission.
It is hoped proposals on whether virtual proceedings continue and when the House of Commons Chamber returns to normality - which are not matters for the Commission - will be unveiled at a later stage. These will follow the Government’s review on social distancing and discussions between the Leader of the House and the Speaker.
Date |
Event |
Possible changes |
8 March |
Step 1
Up to 1 member of staff per MP may return to the estate where there is a wellbeing need and the office meets working safety guidance. |
29 March |
Up to 2 members of staff per MP may return to the estate where it is safe for them to do so. |
12 April |
Step 2
Business related services, to increase hours of operation whilst still minimising wherever possible, the number of staff required on site. Retail to reopen where it has no risk on continuity of business. Hairdresser to reopen where it has no risk on continuity of business. Gym to reopen where it has no risk on continuity of business. All indoor venues remain as single seats. Option to allow two households to meet on the terrace to be considered. |
17 May |
Step 3 Indoor entertainment and attractions and hospitality.
Any changes agreed are recommended to be implemented from after Whitsun recess. Re-configure indoor outlets to meet the rule of six or two households mixing. Full catering services for Passholders reopen. Access resumes for business related non passholders. |
21 June |
Step 4
Phased return of all passholder groups begins and continues through to September 2021 Hospitality services for passholders resume. |
August |
Option to resume commercial tours during the summer recess. |
September |
Access for all non-passholders |