House of Commons Commission decisions – 8 June 2020
6 December 2020
- The Speaker, in the Chair
- Jacob Rees-Mogg
- Valerie Vaz
- Sir Charles Walker
- Dame Rosie Winterton
- Pete Wishart
- Dr John Benger (Clerk of the House)
- Ian Ailles (Director General)
- Jane McCall (External member)
- Dr Rima Makarem (External member)
1. Reports and updates
- Covid-19
- Written updates from the Administration and Finance Committees
- TUS and Members' staff representatives
The Commission noted the updates.
2. Restoration and Renewal Programme: Funding for July 2020 to March 2021 and Annual Estimate for 2020/21
The Commission:
- Noted that the R&R Programme's plans for 2020/21 have been amended in response to the evolving Coronavirus / Covid-19 pandemic and in light of the upcoming strategic review of the R&R Programme;
- Agreed funding for the R&R Programme for July 2020 to March 2021 of £98.7m;
- Noted that, taken together with previously-approved funding for April to June 2020 of £27.5m, the R&R Sponsor Body Estimate for the first Annual Estimate for the R&R Programme is £126.2m, and that this should be considered to be the initial Phase 1 Expenditure Limit which will be subject to variation as set out in schedule 4 of the 2019 Act; and
- Noted that a Supplementary Estimate of £98.7 million for the R&R Programme will be laid during this Financial Year, and provision will be made to repay the advance from the Contingencies Fund in the meantime.
3. Papers to note
The Commission took note of the following papers:
- Follow-up on Norman Shaw North decant options discussion from the last meeting
- Draft forward programme
- Administration and Audit Risk Committee update
- Note from Public Health England – public health advice during the Covid-19 pandemic
4. Any other business
5. Date of next meeting
The next meeting of the Commission/MEC will take place on Monday 13 July at 10.00 am in Speaker's Study and via Microsoft Teams.
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