Committee news

General Election 2017 - Defence Sub-Committee
3 May 2017

Committee welcomes Government’s decision to close down IHAT
Defence Committee's MoD support for former and serving personnel Government Response published
21 April 2017

Defence in the Arctic examined
Defence Committee explore issues including the general situation regarding what many have observed as a militarisation of the Arctic and the High North
14 March 2017

Diplomatic representatives and academics questioned on Defence in the Arctic
Defence Sub-Committee examine issues including the role of the UK in Arctic security affairs
28 February 2017

Close IHAT this year and immediately dismiss remaining weak cases
Defence Committee publishes report on MoD support for former and serving personnel
10 February 2017

Publication of Sub-Committee Report
Defence Committee to publish Who guards the guardians? MoD support for former and serving personnel report
9 February 2017

MoD support for former and serving personnel subject to judicial processes
Defence Sub-Committee question the Secretary of State and the Chief of the Defence Staff
13 December 2016

Defence in the Arctic inquiry launched
Defence sub-Committee announce new inquiry
8 December 2016

MoD support for former and serving personnel subject to judicial processes
Defence Sub-Committee takes evidence from the Iraq Historic Allegations Team
11 November 2016

MoD support for former and serving personnel subject to judicial processes
Defence Sub-Committee takes evidence from Red Snapper Group
12 September 2016

Publication of Government response
Defence Committee publishes Government response to duty of care report
12 July 2016

Oral evidence session with Martin Jerrold of Red Snapper Group CANCELLED
28 June 2016

MoD support for former and serving personnel subject to judicial processes
Defence sub-committee hears evidence from Red Snapper Group, the contractor giving support to personnel
27 June 2016

MoD support for former and serving personnel subject to judicial process
Defence sub-committee hears evidence on support given by Ministry of Defence
3 June 2016

New inquiry: Support for Service personnel subject to judicial processes
Defence Sub-Committee launches inquiry into MoD support for personnel subject to judicial processes
28 April 2016

Committee reports: MoD must be subject to Corporate Manslaughter charges
Defence Committee publishes report on military exercises and the duty of care
24 April 2016

Report publication announced on military exercises and duty of care
Defence Committee publishes report on 24 April 2016
22 April 2016

Duty of care: Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces
Defence Sub-Committee examine military exercises and the duty of care
26 February 2016

Former senior Service personnel discuss duty of care
The Defence Sub-Committee explores duty of care towards Service personnel
9 February 2016

Chief Coroner's role examined in relation to service personnel deaths
Defence sub-committee explores work of the Coroners service relating to deaths during military training
29 January 2016