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Brexit and State aid: British Steel case discussed

20 June 2019

The EU Internal Market Sub-Committee asks specialist lawyers about the role of EU State aid rules in the British Steel case, and opportunities for redesigning the UK's State aid framework after Brexit.


Last May, the Government rejected British Steel's request for emergency financial assistance, stating that it was constrained by EU State aid rules. The company was subsequently placed into liquidation.

The British Steel case has revived questions over the UK's ability to reshape its State aid regime after Brexit, and so allow for greater support to sectors such as steelmaking. The Committee intends to explore these questions from a legal perspective. It will also take stock of preparations made by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) for implementing the UK's post-Brexit State aid regime – more than one year since publication of the Committee's report Brexit: competition and State aid.


Thursday 20 June, Committee Room 4A, Palace of Westminster 

At 10.10am 

  • Jonathan Branton, Head of EU Competition, DWF LLP
  • Alexander Rose, Director, DWF LLP

Likely questions 

Questions likely to be covered in the session include: 

  • What opportunities and challenges do you see for the CMA, as it prepares to become the UK's State aid enforcement authority?
  • Could you give an overview of the EU State aid framework as applied to the steel industry? 
  • Now that the company is in liquidation, what requirements would have to be met for the Government to act as an investor in British Steel? 

Further Information