European Free Trade Association questioned on enforcement and dispute resolution post-Brexit
16 January 2018
The EU Justice Sub-Committee meets a senior judge and an official from the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) to discuss options for the UK's legal interactions with the EU post-Brexit.
- Parliament TV: Brexit: enforcement and dispute resolution
- Inquiry: Brexit: enforcement and dispute resolution
- EU Justice Sub-Committee
Tuesday 16 January in Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster
At 10.45am
- Ms Catherine Howdle, Deputy Director, EFTA Surveillance Authority
At 11.30am
- Professor Carl Baudenbacher, Senior Judge and Former President, EFTA Court
Topics for discussion
- What would be the most workable alternatives to the jurisdiction of the CJEU after the UK leaves the EU?
- Could we see different models of enforcement and dispute resolution to deal with each aspect, namely the transitional period, the withdrawal arrangement and the future relationship?
- Is joining the EFTA Court system a realistic option if the UK does not wish to be a member of the Single Market and retain the four freedoms (movement of people, goods, capital and services)?
- What are the limitations of the EFTA system as compared to the UK's current arrangements with the EU?
Further information
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